Day 6 - Monday: Polargraph is Finally Running Smoothly! by Wyatt

Today was the first day of our second week in the Art Making Systems A-term, and we made some incredible progress in our projects. Through lots of brainstorming and head-scratching, we were finally able to draw images on the whiteboard using our polargraph. Our cartesian plotter is coming along nicely too with plenty of more steps and some calibration. The biggest thing I’ve learned from this course is that no problem is too big. With the help of Mr. Beradino, we have overcome some seriously huge obstacles in our projects. When it comes to building machines from scratch, resilience and perseverance are definitely key. I’ve also been honing my skills in the coding side of the projects as we need to program the machines to actually create art. This is very fascinating and sometimes mind-boggling as there are so many different ways to approach a task. Overall, today was very successful with lots of headway made in all projects.



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