Day 1 : The Making of our Creation - Sienna Kissack

Day 1 : The Making of our Creation 


 During the first day of Art Making Systems, we learned about different types of artists and what some of their famous works were. We learned how most random things in art museums can become famous. Our group decided to make a robot to create art. We looked at different photos to give us inspiration on what to make, and we split into three groups to choose on what to work on.

We started the project off with laser cutting the arm pieces. My group cut two short-skinny ovals, two long-skinny ovals, two circles, and a couple squares. All of these pieces had little holes in them, so that they could be connected together by a screw. Once we got the pieces all cut out we got ready to glue them together. We glued a little stand for the machine to rotate on, and after that, we started to wire and solder them to the machine to get it turning. Once we got the wires all set up and soldered onto the machine, we tried to piece it together to make it work. This process took a couple hours to do and it was just a long process. We kept having to take it apart and put it back together, and nothing seemed to work because it wasn’t turning or moving as smoothly as we hoped it would.

Other groups worked on separate things,
like wiring electronics and using different methods to draw shapes. Overall day one was really fun and I found it a very enjoyable experience. I learned about teamwork skills, building machines, and using different circuits.


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